Our AI-powered funding search engine continuously aggregates information from tens of thousands of funding programs using discovery and tracking bots, funders, collaboration partners, and a research team. This ensures our results are comprehensive, up-to-date, and relevancy-ranked.
Business executives sign up by entering key information on your website to find and apply for the most relevant complementary funding. Appropriate funding results are displayed in order of relevance, based on your clients’ business information and interactions. Detailed, one-page summaries of relevant funding opportunities allow your business clients to confirm their eligibility and start the application process. Our powerful backend allows you to easily visualize the profiles and activities of businesses searching for funding and intelligently connect with qualified leads and clients. Capture firmographics or descriptive attributes on the business demographics and interests of the visitors looking for funding on your website. Visualize specific visitor behaviour trends related directly to firmographics, funding programs, and overall site analytics. Segment prospects and clients into targeted groups and connect with qualified leads directly, or funnel targeted groups into your CRM. Discover, compare, and share the most relevant funding programs for specific business profiles according to location, industry, needs, and other firmographic criteria. Become your prospects’ and clients’ go-to, most trusted, and one-stop funding reference. Expand your advisory services at scale by offering dynamic and relevant funding recommendations. Attract business investment to your area by showcasing the most relevant government funding programs available. Support early-stage business growth by empowering them to easily identify and apply for relevant funding. Dozens of business-supporting organizations across North America have already helped their clients and prospects find funding using Fundica – we think you should too!Solution
Our award-winning funding search engine provides the most relevant funding results possible
Navigation and branding configuration of a subdomain in a few days
Out-of-the-box audited, bank-level security
No IT integration required
How It Works
The Funding Search Experience
Relevant Results
Accurate and Detailed
The Backend Data Experience
Segment and Connect
Who We Serve
Financial Institutions
Accounting Firms
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